Monday, 28 November 2016

Cyber Monday Sale Blast & Giveaway: Free and Bargain Books


Click on any of the below book covers to be taken to the page that has more information on the novel as well as the Buy Links! 

Novels FREE!

 photo thecape final front cover_zpsa4c2tikm.jpg   photo thecape final front cover_zpsa4c2tikm.jpg   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png

  photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png    photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo thecape final front cover_zpsa4c2tikm.jpg   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png

 photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png

 photo thecape final front cover_zpsa4c2tikm.jpg     photo thecape final front cover_zpsa4c2tikm.jpg  photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png  

 photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png  

 photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png     photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png     photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png  

 photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png  

 photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png  

 photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   

 photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png  photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png

 photo thecape final front cover_zpsa4c2tikm.jpg   photo thecape final front cover_zpsa4c2tikm.jpg   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png

 photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png   photo HUNTERS E-BOOK_zpsovaszn47.png

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